I’ll never forget you.

I'll never forget you. The entrance of the Fort Palace is still showing some red painted hand prints. It was the last trace a woman would leave behind her before entering the Harem. She would never go out or leave the place for the rest of her life. Jaisalmer, India, 2014.

I’ll never forget you. The entrance of the Fort Palace is still showing some red painted hand prints. It was the last trace a woman would leave behind her before entering the Harem. She would never go out or leave the place for the rest of her life.
Jaisalmer, India, 2014.

The entrance of the Fort Palace is still showing some red painted hand prints. It was the last trace a woman would leave behind her before entering the Harem. She would never go out or leave the place for the rest of her life.

2 thoughts

  1. I have read about it in history but never seen a real pic,my emotions are complicated on this one leaving me without words,can you tell me which fort it was so that if ever I visit,I will be able to see them ? Thanks David for sharing this 🙂

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